Longwood Gardens

Lots of pretty flowers and a treehouse I would love to have in my yard.

Day Trip

Out and about today, checked out the old canal locks and aquaduct..

Fun with the Stulls

We played mini golf today, Denise and Dawn tied for first place. After Dinner the four of played badmington again till sunset ????        

Bass Pro

Went to Bass Pro today and it looked exactly like I thought only larger. There is a huge selection. Donna and I had a go on a shooting range,laser targets. Hit the target and something reacts.

Mothers Day

Happy Mothers day mum, xx Had a busy day shopping today and tried some different food. Xx

Girls Day Out….

Had a girls day out today, spent the afternoon with Donna and ended the day getting a pedicure and manicure. It was amazing….

Arrived in the US 10/5/2014.

9/5/14 Made it safely, felt like flight would never end. I would definately do it again

My Last Week In The USA

Hey everybody sorry for the delay on the blog update. My last week in the USA was a blast I had the greatest time with all my friends that I made during the time I was there. First I went on an awesome boat ride in the San Fransisco bay with Dennis, Andrew and one […]

My Maryland Week

Hey guys I have had a great week in Maryland. I went to Maryland to keep Don (Donna’s Dad) company and to see all the guys again. I also wanted to see Denise the girl I took to the Middletown HS Homecoming Dance. I helped Don and Sharron with a Track meet the first day I […]

My Ten Days Of Christmas

Merry Christmas everybody and Happy New Year. Well Donna, Dennis and I all went up to Oregon for Christmas and New Year. We had a lot of fun even if it was raining most of the time. Christmas Eve and Day we were lazy and just hung about the house and looked at our new […]

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